Daniel Author of articles

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7 Articles

Author's articles

  • Onychomycosis: what nail fungus looks like, types of diseases, early stage symptoms. Local and systemic treatment, prevention of onychomycosis.
    13 October 2021
  • Let us consider the main types of fungi in the legs, taking into account the causative agent of the disease and the main symptoms - rubrophytosis, candidiasis, onychomycosis, interdigital, squamous-hyperkeratotic, dehydratic and erased forms of mycosis. Photo of mycoses of the legs. Treatment of foot fungus and prevention of pathologies.
    28 September 2021
  • You can cure nail fungus quickly and cheaply at home. Time-tested, popular traditional medicine recipes.
    24 September 2021
  • Evaluation of the most effective remedies for nail fungus. What are the ways to get rid of nail fungus? Prevention of nail fungus.
    23 September 2021
  • In this article, we'll consider the most effective drugs and traditional medicine against toenail fungus.
    23 September 2021
  • Causes of the appearance of fungus in the nails of the big toe. Treatment of infections with drugs and folk remedies, infection prevention.
    23 September 2021
  • Foot fungus is the most common and easily contracted skin disease in public places: in saunas, showers, gyms and gyms, on the beach, in the swimming pool.
    20 June 2021